How It Works
This technology reduces arm and hand movements to simple finger movements by having all keystrokes represented on the ten keys at your fingertips. Accurately touch-type without looking, even in tight quarters, and in both mobile and stationary conditions.
Unlike a phone keypad that requires you to press until you get the right letter, or a touch-screen/menu system that makes you look at an on-screen image to select the correct input, all keystrokes are provided with random access to anything you want with a quick press, anytime you want it.
DecaTxt keys are pressed simultaneously or in any order, and the keystroke is sent when any key is lifted, with just a few exceptions. The “space”, “Back Space”, “tab” and the four cursor keys will repeat when their key combination is held for a short period of time. Use the DecaTxt Keyboard with either left or right hand. Hold it with the rough surface against your palm just below your fingers and brace the opposite rough surface against your side or leg or anyplace comfortable. Each finger should touch the two keys in the five rows at their position. Alternatively, use both hands if you prefer. The configuration is alphabetic to simplify learning and the label’s nomenclature is color coordinated to help indicate the keys used in each keystroke. Press the button adjacent to the symbol you want plus the key(s) colored like the symbol for that keystroke. The alphabet uses one finger for the first ten letters (a-j), the next eight letters (k-r) are produced with the right thumb button held and the last eight (s-z) are produced using the left thumb button held. Press both thumb keys to apply a “shift command” to your next keystroke and easily capitalize letters or provide shifted commands.

Pairing the DecaTxt keyboard with your device
DecaTxt pairs with most Bluetooth 4.0 devices however drivers are frequently changing and some devices may not work. Currently Windows 10, iOS and Android drivers pair just fine. On your device, go to your Bluetooth settings and turn it on. DecaTxt has no power key so tap any key on the DecaTxt to wake it up and it should show up as a device ready to pair. You may also need to click add a device to find it. Tap the word DecaTxt on your device and it should ask to pair, click yes. When the DecaTxt pairs successfully, it will vibrate 3 times. Once the drivers are set you are ready to use the DecaTxt. If it becomes unresponsive, remove it in your Bluetooth settings, turn Bluetooth off and back on and pair it again. If it doesn’t show up the battery may be too low and you will need to charge it with a mini USB cable. DecaTxt charges when you see a red glow on the 0 key. The light will go out when it is fully charged in a few hours. To check if you are still connected, turn your device on and try pressing Cap-Lock (8-9) or Number-Lock (8-0) and the DecaTxt should vibrate.
Hold both hands out in front of you with your palms down.
Count your fingers left to right. This makes your left thumb finger number five, your right index finger number seven and your right pinky finger zero. These are the numbers that we will reference throughout this document and are printed on the keys of the DecaTxt.
The Alphabet – Single Presses and Thumb shifts
Ask someone to push a button and most often they will extend their right index finger for the task. This is the finger that we use to begin the alphabet. By starting the alphabet on the “7” finger, there are a number of interesting relationships that develop that help make the system easy to learn. The first ten letters are a single tap from each finger.
“a” – right index (7 finger), “b” – right middle (8 finger), “c” – right ring (9 finger), “d” – right pinky (0 finger) “e” – right thumb (6 finger) “f” – left thumb (5 finger), “g” – left index (4 finger), “h” – left middle (3 finger) “i” – left ring (2 finger) & “j” – left pinky (1 finger)
The next eight letters are produced with the right thumb (6 finger) pressed with each of the other keys. The order remains the same starting with the right index (7 finger) but this time skipping the left thumb. So with the 6 finger held, you get “k” by taping the 7 finger, “l” – 8 finger, “m” – 9 finger, “n” – 0 finger, “o” – 4 finger, “p” – 3 finger, “q” – 2 finger & “r” – 1 finger.
The last eight letters are produced the same way but this time with the left thumb (5 finger) included and skipping the right thumb. “s” by tapping the 7 finger, “t” – 8 finger, “u” – 9 finger “v” – 0 finger, “w” – 4 finger, “x” – 3 finger “y” – 2 finger, & “z” – 1 finger.
When both thumbs are pressed, the next character will be shifted, making it simple to create capital letters. If you are using one thumb to make a letter, simply tap the other thumb before pressing the finger where the letter is located and it will be capitalized. If at any time you discover you have the wrong keys held you can simply add more until 5 keys are pressed and the input will be voided.
Here is a simple way to map the characters and the fingers used to build them:
Lt Pinky | Lt Ring | Lt Middle | Lt Index | Lt Thumb | Rt Thumb | Rt Index | Rt Middle | Rt Ring | Rt Pinky |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 0 |
j | i | h | g | f | e | a | b | c | d |
r | q | p | o | Cap | Hold | k | l | m | n |
z | y | x | w | Hold | Cap | s | t | u | v |
Or looking at it another way:
a (7), b (8), c (9), d (0), e (6), f (5), g (4), h (3), I (2), j (1)
k (6-7), l (6-8), m (6-9), n (6-0), o (6-4), p (6-3), q (6-2),r (6-1)
s (5-7) t (5-8), u (5-9), v (5-0), w (5-4), x (5-3), y (5-2), z (5-1)
To quickly learn the system, try to remember the three letters associated with each finger. It may be helpful to think of words to strengthen the association. Here are some examples.
aks- (also known as), blt (like the sandwich) cmu (for cursor & music use-more on that later) dnv (this pinky is de-envoy of all the others) e & f on the thumbs, gow (the word “go” sounds like there should be a “w” in it), hpx (Hewlett Packard & windows XP) iqy (why, what is your IQ?) jrz (junior’s, jerzees, Jersey) The three letters for each finger are the foundation for where all other keystrokes are generated.
Numbers are provided in this system only when Number Lock is turned on (8-0) and they replace the single press alphabet keys using the numbers described above.
Punctuation: The Index Shifts
The next most important aspect of typing is the spaces and punctuation between words so we look to the next strongest fingers for the task. Both index fingers are used to for common punctuation, the right for most writing functions and the left for more computer related symbols. Keeping this in mind along with the location of the various letters will help you find the symbols that you want.
The Right Index Shift
With the right index (7 finger) held: the 8 finger (t) = tab, 9 finger (c) = comma & 0 finger = apostrophe. The 4 finger = enter, 3 finger (p) = period, the 2 finger (q) = question mark and 1 finger = exclamation point keeping all sentence endings together. Press both thumbs with the right index = space or press both thumbs with the left index finger = back space.
Lt Pinky | Lt Ring | Lt Middle | Lt Index | Lt Thumb | Rt Thumb | Rt Index | Rt Middle | Rt Ring | Rt Pinky |
! | ? | . | Enter | s | k | hold | Tab | , | ‘ |
hold | hold | Space | |||||||
& | hold | hold | hold | / |
The Left Index Shift
With the left index (4 finger) held: the left and right thumbs (5 finger and the 6 finger) = back space. With the 4 key and: the 8 finger (t) = tilde, 9 finger (c) = colon & 0 finger = semi colon. The 3 finger (x) = asterisk, 2 finger (q) = quote(”) and 1 finger = @. Both thumbs and the 4 and 7 fingers = ampersand. With both thumbs and the 7 and 8 keys = / forward slash. With both thumbs and the 4 and 3 keys = \ back slash. These are the only four finger keystrokes in the basic system and if five keys are pressed, the keystroke is voided.
Lt Pinky | Lt Ring | Lt Middle | Lt Index | Lt Thumb | Rt Thumb | Rt Index | Rt Middle | Rt Ring | Rt Pinky |
@ | “ | * | Hold | W | O | Enter | ~ | : | ; |
Bk Space | hold | hold | |||||||
\ | hold | hold | hold | & |
There is also a way to swap the letter “f” with “space” to make the most used key “the space key” a single keystroke. We’ll explain how in a bit.
Locks & Lines & Page functions - The Middle Finger Shifts.
Once we have the main elements of writing established with the thumb and index shifts, we will look at some of the functions that change modes and make navigation easy. These shifts also provide the various lines found on a standard keyboard, straight lines associated with the letter “l” and bent lines associated with the letter “x”.
The Right Middle Shift
For the # 8 finger, we take the cue from the letter “L” and use it for the three different locked modes. “L” – “C” to lock capitals (8-9), “L” – “N” to lock numbers (8-0) – “L” – “S” – “C” to lock scroll (8-7-9). The “L finger” also is the shift for the different lines starting with the hyphen on the “h” finger (8-3), underscore is a hyphen plus a “U” (8-3-9), the accent (8-2) and pipe character (8-1). This leaves the two thumbs which are used to provide the twelve “F” keys on the top of the keyboard. More on the “F” keys later.
Lt Pinky | Lt Ring | Lt Middle | Lt Index | Lt Thumb | Rt Thumb | Rt Index | Rt Middle | Rt Ring | Rt Pinky |
| | ` | – | ~ | t | l | tab | hold | Cap lock | Num lock |
__ | Scr lock | hold | hold |
The Left Middle Shift
For the #3 finger, we take our cue from the letter “p” and use this shift to provide all of the page functions. Page-down with the “p” & “d” fingers (3-0), page-up with the “p” & “u” fingers (3-9). Page End with the right “e” thumb and the left index keys (3-4-6) and Page Home on the left thumb and the left index keys (3-4-5). Pause is the “p” & “z” fingers (3-1) and print screen is the “p” & “s” fingers with the left index (3-4-7). The remaining shifts take their cue from the letter “x” and produce the bent lines such as “less-than” on the “l” finger with the left index (3-4-8), “greater-than” on the “g” finger with the left ring (3-2-4) and the caret on the left ring finger (3-2). (Where you expect to find a carat!)
Lt Pinky | Lt Ring | Lt Middle | Lt Index | Lt Thumb | Rt Thumb | Rt Index | Rt Middle | Rt Ring | Rt Pinky |
Pause | ^ | hold | * | x | p | . | – | Pg up | Pg down |
> | hold | hold | Pg home | Pg end | Prt Sc | < |
Linked keys and Cursor Movement - The Ring Finger Shifts
Next are the cursor movements and the keystrokes that control basic computer operations. These are the keystrokes needed to link functions, alter text and move on-screen elements. Here you can provide the “control-alternate-delete” command in order to keep Windows functional.
The Right Ring Finger
The finger responsible for c, m, & u (# 9) is the shift key for cursor and music use (provided in some applications) and it also provides for a few remaining symbols. With the 9 finger and the 0 finger held (It’s really easier to hold both), the 7 finger becomes the music up button and the 8 key becomes the music down button. Next are the cursor keys, (9-0-6) cursor right, (9-0-5) cursor left, (9-0-4) cursor up and (9-0-3) cursor down. The last three shifts are used for the symbols $ on the left ring finger (9-0-2) (those carats can be expensive!). Using just the right ring finger, % on the left pinky (9-1) (looks almost like a Z) and # on the right pinky “N” finger (9-0).
Lt Pinky | Lt Ring | Lt Middle | Lt Index | Lt Thumb | Rt Thumb | Rt Index | Rt Middle | Rt Ring | Rt Pinky |
% | control | Pg up | : | u | m | , | Cap lock | hold | # |
$ | Cursor Down | Cursor up | Cursor Lt | Cursor Rt | Volume up | Volume down | hold | hold |
The Left Ring Finger
This finger is often associated with “marriage” and is thus used for functions that are typically combined together. Some of these keystrokes are combined with the next keystroke so that pressing the control keystroke before pressing the “c” keystroke is the same as holding control and the “c” key on a traditional keyboard. With the left ring and left pinky pressed (2-1), the right thumb “E” finger is “Escape” (2-1-6), the right index “A” finger is the “Alternate” key (2-1-7), the right middle “B” finger is “Break” (2-1-8). The “Windows key” is on the “w” finger (2-1-4), and “Menu” (or Mac key) on the left middle finger (2-1-3) the left thumb “f” and used as a function key reserved to provide additional functions desired (2-1-5),. Using just the Left ring, the right ring “C” finger is the “Control” key (2-9), right pinky “D” finger is “Delete” (2-0), and the left pinky is “insert” (2-1).
Lt Pinky | Lt Ring | Lt Middle | Lt Index | Lt Thumb | Rt Thumb | Rt Index | Rt Middle | Rt Ring | Rt Pinky |
insert | hold | ^ | “ | y | q | ? | ` | control | delete |
hold | hold | menu | windows | function | escape | alternate | break |
The Pinky Shifts
Both right and left pinkies are held for the six various brackets and numeric symbols. “{“ (1-0-2), “[“ (1-0-3), “]” (1-0-4), “}” (1-0-5), “(“ (1-0-8), “)” (1-0-9), the addition symbol, “+” (1-0-7) and the equals symbol, “=“ (1-0-6), complete the pinky shifts.
Lt Pinky | Lt Ring | Lt Middle | Lt Index | Lt Thumb | Rt Thumb | Rt Index | Rt Middle | Rt Ring | Rt Pinky |
hold | { | [ | ] | } | = | + | ( | ) | hold |
The Function Keys
As discussed earlier, the right middle and thumb keys are the path to provide the twelve function keys. These “F –keys” begin with the right middle “8” finger and use the left and right thumbs.
Right Middle & Right Thumb
With the right middle “8” finger and the right thumb “6” finger and the left pinky “1” finger for the F1 key (8-6-1), left ring “2” finger for the F2 key (8-6-2), left middle “3” finger for the F3 key (8-6-3), left index “4” finger for the F4 key (8-6-4), the right index “7” finger for the F5 key (8-6-7), and the right ring “9” finger for the F6 key (8-6-9). ** The right pinky provides a method to swap the position of the “space” key with the “f” key (8-6-0) to assist in making some input a bit more efficient. The “space” key is typically the most used key so it makes sense to provide this function with a single tap of the left thumb, (5) similar to the way many people currently create a “space” on a standard keyboard. This however makes the “f” keystroke a three button press (5-6-7).
Lt Pinky | Lt Ring | Lt Middle | Lt Index | Lt Thumb | Rt Thumb | Rt Index | Rt Middle | Rt Ring | Rt Pinky |
F-1 | F-2 | F-3 | F-4 | Reserved | hold | F-5 | hold | F-6 | f/Space |
Right Middle & Left Thumb
Start with the right middle “8” finger held, add the left thumb “5” finger and the left pinky “1” finger for the F7 key (8-5-1), left ring “2” finger for the F8 key (8-5-2), left middle “3” finger for the F9 key (8-5-3), left index “4” finger for the F10 key (8-5-4), the right index “7” finger for the F11 key (8-5-7), and the right ring “9” finger for the F12 key (8-5-9). The (8-5-0) key is reserved at this time.
Lt Pinky | Lt Ring | Lt Middle | Lt Index | Lt Thumb | Rt Thumb | Rt Index | Rt Middle | Rt Ring | Rt Pinky |
F-7 | F-8 | F-9 | F-10 | hold | Reserved | F-11 | hold | F-12 | Reserved |
These are the standard keys necessary for input but here are some final thoughts to consider. Because we use the same key codes of a standard keyboard, shifted keystrokes will produce the same symbols as you would normally get from shifted keystrokes on a standard keyboard. For example, if you press and release both thumbs before pressing the “period” keystroke, (5-6, 7-3) you would get the “>” keystroke. Although this is less efficient, it may help you until you learn the complete system.
Remember that the keys that repeat are; space, back-space, tab, and the cursor keys. Tests with this device have shown us that many can understand how to “touch-type” the alphabet in about a minute, with mastery after just a few hours.
We also added vibration feedback to the DecaTxt as an aid to indicate what mode you are in. Two short blasts for cap lock, one short and one long for number lock, one short blast returns to normal mode from the current mode, two long blasts for f-swap and three short blasts when the device pairs successfully.
We welcome you to learn more at Watch a complete video instruction here or learn just the basics at here. We appreciate your feedback and hope you share your thoughts with us at
US Patent # 6542091. Intellectual property of Wayne Rasanen, Founder, IN10DID, Inc. All rights reserved.