DecaTxt is about the size of a deck of cards but it replaces the whole standard desktop keyboard. Every letter, number, symbol or function is available without scrolling, menus, or repeatedly poking a button. DecaTxt is revolutionary for taking the keyboard and applying it to the human element of ten fingers. This humanizes Human-Computer interaction and any of the ten keys may be pressed at any time with just one hand, right handed or left. It’s easy to learn using alphabetic contextual clues as to where all the keystrokes are located such as “TAB” on the “t” key or “period” on the “p” key. DecaTxt connects with PCs and mobile devices that use Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy so you can control them from across the room. It’s designed for touch-typing with just one hand so you can still hold something else and type without looking. Those with limited vision or mobility issues may find that DecaTxt assists them to overcome some challenges of typing. DecaTxt can help you type in bed with your eyes closed, or kick back on the couch or recliner while you continue to email or chat. DecaTxt unleashes you from the desktop to enjoy an alternative mobile typing lifestyle!